Sunday 22 June 2014


Diamond was a normal girl, who lived in a normal palace on a normal street in Rome. Her mum was rich and her dad, the same. They were rich because they were visiting Pompeii they were the King and Queen of Italy._________________________________________

"Where are you going, Mama?" asked Diamond as she saw her mother grab two suitcases, hers and Diamonds. "We're bringing you back to Rome." answered Mama. "Like we explained to you, we have too much on our plate to take care of you as well." Diamond remembered. She would be minded by Nana, she loved Nana, she was glad Emily, her sister , was staying at a friend's house.

While on the train to Rome. Diamond wished once more she had a pet........Zzzzz.......
She dozed off.
When she awoke, she was in bed Nana smiling by her side. "We might do something special while your Mama and Papa are in Pompeii!" Nana said, her eyes sparkling.
Diamond jumped up. She loved surprises. She realized it was 8:00 am. She had reeeally overslept! She went outside and suddenly let out a yelp of pain.
It was ultra hot.Her cheek felt swollen, she had been bit, by a horrible mosquito.
Nana rushed out. "Diamond! Are you OK?" Diamond tried to get up.
"I-I don't know..." She answered weakly, Nana gasped when she saw her cheek.
"Oh no! T-hose HORRID mosquitoes!" She was brought inside. Everything happened quickly after that. She was put in her bed. Doctor came. Ambulance came.
She fainted.
A month later....

Diamond opened her eyes, feeling very dizzy. "Wow!" Said a girl nearby. "You didn't open your eyes for a month exactly!"

Diamond didn't reply.
"What's your name?" Asked a boy nearby.
Diamond didn't reply.
"Who are you?" Asked another girl nearby.
Diamond didn't reply.
"Speak!" A boy demanded.
At last she spoke: "I'm Diamond Hóké."
"Diamond Hóké?!" exclaimed the girl. "That's the King and Queen's surname!"
"I know." replied Diamond. "They're my Mama and Papa."
The boy started to say something else when Nana burst in.
"Diamond!" She cried.
When they reached their home in Tipperary, Nana looked at Diamond with a mixture of worry, gravery and sadness. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news..."
cried Diamond. She couldn't believe it. She just couldn't. Her precious Mama and Papa, how could Vesuvius erupt THAT time??? It could've erupted AAAANNYYY other time.... She wanted her parents....
Next day was School-day-Monday. Diamond and Emily missed Mama warning them sternly about manners, they missed Papa saying he'd drive them to school in their Rolls Royce thingy and changing his mind at the last minute like a little child.
But Nana said they mustn't go, but go to bed instead. For they looked very sleepy.

The next day, Emily became seriously ill, with a dreadful disease known as the 'Black Death'. Nana said there was little chance she would survive. And from then on, they carried lots of nice-smelling posies in their pockets, 'cause there were rotting bodies everywhere. After 3 months Emily died tragically. Diamond cried as she watched Emily being thrown into the 'dump'.
They had to move to Ireland, lovely Ireland, where it was far by far safer from the 'Black Death'. Diamond didn't want to live after losing 3 relations.

The next day was school-free too. Nana decided it was time Diamond cheered up.
So, she brought her to Asia. They looked at elephants, leopards, lions, cheetahs and more. But, Diamond's favourite was a ginger cheetah. In her head, she named him Ginger and wished he could stay with her forever. When Nana went off to buy food, Diamond went closer then ever to Ginger. He looked up and......... nuzzled her! ____________________
Diamond was really surprise, but she stayed put for fear he would suddenly change moods. He looked cuter than ever when she was close. He had big beautiful brown eyes that looked at her with love and friendliness. Ginger seemed to have a sort of plan, he put his paw on her and whizzed around making friendly but firm growls at the other animals. Like he was talking to them. Lions and other cheetahs and leopards sharpened their claws and practicing to growl fiercely. The others sat around looking fierce. A giraffe spotted Nana and signaled to the lions, cheetahs and leopards to scare her so Ginger could get away unnoticed. Diamond went a distance away, pretending to read a leaflet for safari trips around Asia. She heard shrieks and growls, the shrieks, obviously from Nana. Soon, she heard footsteps behind her, Nana.

The next day, Ginger, was found out... In a good way.
Nana went out to empty the bins at 6:00 a.m. She heard a growl and a bark behind the bins, she looked, and saw the most dangerous dog in Ireland which had escaped from prison a month ago. She saw Ginger growling fiercely, the dog saw her, and charged.
Nana screamed. Ginger leapt at the dog. He bit him hard. The dog ran off, whimpering. Diamond dashed out. Nana wasn't hurt, she had just had a bad shock.________________
The 3 returned to Italy, Diamond was Queen and Ginger was famous throughout the country. They lived happily ever after.

THE END by Ciara E. Brady.


  1. I wrote this entire story in midst of my friends whom also write stories and the other half up in Timber, the tree.

  2. Sorry about the mix of different parts. I know the Black Death and the Vesuvius eruption happened at very different times and places, and I know it doesn't make sense that they just decided to go to Asia and made it there in a day.... but still. It's very..... imaginative.
